Important Personality Of Betul


Important Personality Of Betul

Gajjan Singh korku

Our India country has a history of its own, the journey from ancient times to modern times has brought us to the peak of the sky today and many such great personalities from every region of our country have brought their country name to the world through their precious works. Shining like stars

Today I want to throw light on the history of the lives of some great heroes of Betul district of Madhya Pradesh in our country of India.

Sardar Ganjan Singh Korku was a great revolutionary leader who led the Jungle Satyagraha, this satyagraha was invoked by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930. During the Indian National Movement, freedom fighters made several movements in India, one of them Jungle Satyagraha was Mahatma. After this Satyagraha started from Betul district of central India on Gandhi's call, after this Satyagraha, all the tribal people of the country joined the Jungle Satyagraha. When they used to come, people used to see a lot of glory in the year 1930, the British government had announced a reward of 500 rupees on Sardar Ganjan Singh. But today the family of this great man who united the forest dwellers in the independence of the country, is living himself in oblivion today. Arriving at Chhatarpur village in Ghodongri block, upon investigating the matter, it was found that the descendants of Sardar Ganjan Singh were living their lives by working or grazing cattle.

Several decades ago, his land was auctioned by the Estate Government. No one in Ganjan Singh's family has anything in the name of government job or government help. There is no one to take care of them on 15th August or 26th January, while the only son of martyr Sardar Ganjan Singh, Nandar Singh is still present.

Important Personality Of Betul

Since the independence of the country, till now, Nandar Singh, son of Sardar Ganjan Singh and his entire family is working hard by working hard. Nandar Singh, a laborer, is the only son of martyr Sardar Ganjan Singh Korku, the superintendent of Jungle Satyagraha. The family of Ganjan Singh, in whose name the British rule was shivering and the man who had revolutionized the forest dwellers for the independence of the country, is living in Fankakashi today. Be it August 15 or January 26, no one comes to take care of the family of Mahanaj Ganjan Singh. 

Recently, the author of Betul, Kamlesh had mentioned the family of martyr Sardar Ganjan Singh in the anonymous martyr of his book Satpura. According to him, there were not only Ganjan Singh in Betul but hundreds of such tribal revolutionaries whom people have forgotten over time. In his book, Kamlesh has given details of Sardar Ganjan Singh and his bravery from Tafsil.

Important Personality Of Betul

It is said that after the independence of the country in 1947, Sardar Ganjan Singh used to roam around in the jungles of Betul district with a tricolor and advised the forest dwellers to celebrate the independence of the country. Since the death of Sardar Ganjan Singh in the year 1963, his family has been living like this in some way. 

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